Birthday Goals

So, I have been working on this website for about a month, and working to figure out how to make all the buttons work, and the pages link up to where they need to link up to. Whew! It is not easy when you have a pretty creative, but non-technical mind like mine! So, I did what any woman in my shoes would do… I Googled, and looked at Pinterest, and figured it out. Now I’m at the point where I am asking my dearest, gentlest friends to take a look, and tell me all the things that DON’T work. How is that for vulnerability! Like, right now, my hope is that this ends up where my blog posts are supposed to be. We’ll see! Feel free to comment below with all the ways that you have felt vulnerable this past week. Oh wait, I have my artist hat on right now, not my therapist hat. Scratch that suggestion. Instead, let me know what you think, and if there is something that doesn’t work right, let me know and I will try to figure out how to fix it! My goal is to feel done enough to open this page up to the world by my birthday on Tuesday. That’s a pretty manageable goal, right?

Interested in how I got started? Check out this link!