Hot boiled peanuts. From the gas station in Mississippi. That’s normal right? At least they’re tasty! Let’s hope I still think this was a good idea after a few hours sitting in the RV….
It’s spring break, and we have broken free for a long weekend, thanks to our house sitter holding down the Dome-fort! On this particular mini-vacation, I want to try out some plein air painting. I recently was inspired by a trip to the Dallas Museum of Art, and their collection of impressionist paintings, and I will post about that museum visit soon. I always feel so frustrated when I try out this style though, because I don’t generally have hours to just sit and paint- especially with family around- which means it has to be quick. I am pretty sure that painting quickly is part of the process though, because if I were to spend hours outside on one painting, the light would change drastically as the sun moves across the sky! But I also feel like it is difficult to get the essence of what I am looking at in just quick processing. I feel like I want to dive into the details, rather than allowing the impression of what I am seeing to shine through. So this will be an experiment and I will post as I go along. I will take a photo of the scene and also work up a painting from the photo afterward to see if there is a difference in the completed images. I find it easier to work from photos because the camera flattens the image for me, which takes the guess work out when I am painting 3D objects in nature.There is much to be learned from this experience! Why don’t you try it with me this weekend? Here are a few articles to help get you started…
A quick explaination of Plein air can be found here…
ooooh, step by steps to help us out in this article!
I Love this one! A relative beginner to painting gives pointers and some great info about layering color and why…
Finally, I’m including this link because the first photo that comes up when I view this page, is NOT an oil painting by Winslow Homer! And that just makes me laugh. Who is this guy and his ‘stash??? Probably doesn’t make the owners of the website happy, but I’m easily amused apparently. P.S. Please don’t hack my website and change the photos! Especially not to sweaty young men with 80s hair, please no. Just go look at the site. You’ll see what I mean.
Not a Plein air painting. Just a swamp in Louisiana. I think it’s a swamp. There were bugs and mud. It might end up as a painting though!
RV selfies, as I type! Since I haven’t painted anything yet, you get some random photos to tide you over till the next post! See you then! And please post your images or links in the comments if you have any info or experience with this process! We’d love to hear from you!