Travel Art Part 4

Okay, I completed this before we made it to my dad’s place in Ohio, where we have been for a few days. But, a bit of a backstory, before we left the campsite in Kentucky, my mom gave me a present. It was a box of paper. But not just any paper, it is like a soft, but rough toothed brown paper that she had at her house for the kids to scribble on one time while we were there for a previous visit- probably around Christmas time- and I had mentioned that I loved this paper, as it is really great for charcoal work. Thoughtfully, she remembered I had said that and stockpiled an entire box of the stuff for me! And there is enough to share with the kids. I love how thoughtful my mom is! She didn’t need to do that, and could have told me I was silly, but no, she knew it would make me happy, and I love her for that thoughtfulness. 

So, of course, as soon as we were on the road from Kentucky, I put my drawing materials up in the front seat with me, and as the kids were self contained and entertaining themselves, I was able to carve a few hours with minimal interruption during the drive. I snapped this pic of my dog Spud that morning before we left, when we were cuddling in bed, waiting for the last minute to get up for the day. He was begging with his eyes to not have to move, so I obliged. And then snapped a few pics to work from! 

I just randomly had an old painting that I hated in the RV, which acted as a perfect drawing board. And I added whiskers last- for precision of course- once we got to our destination.

It’s only slightly awkward to draw in the front seat of the RV. And I probably would be injured if the airbag has to go off. But I will probably do it again when I get the next shift as passenger! Stay tuned!