Category: Fine Art
49th Annual American Art Therapy Association Conference Recap
Just got back from Miami, where we celebrated 49 years as the American Art Therapy Association. I had the honor of being the conference chair the last two years, with 9 total years on the committee, and have been really enjoying this role, even the part where I passed the…
Bee Inspiration
For the last two years, Geoff and I have been maintaining at least two hives of honey bees on our property in Texas. Now, while this post may not exclusively be about making art, there are some ways that bees can inspire us to create! Yesterday we spent the day at…
Post Art Festival Recovery
Wow, so it has taken all week, but I am finally feeling recovered from the marathon day last Saturday. Thank you to all of my friends that came out to support my booth at ArtsGoggle this year. I was fortunate enough to spend the day sharing the booth with my…
Elinor is Beautifully Made
I am so excited to kick off October with this painting. The young lady in this photo is the daughter of a friend of mine. I have never met her in person, but I watch her grow up through social media. You see, I met her mom in an online…
Memories of Art from My Childhood
It has been a blast from the past as I look through some old art that I made as a kid. I remember being in art class my freshman, sophomore and junior years in high school, making all kinds of memories and some fantastic friends in the process. Our teacher…
A Portrait Goes Home!
It has been a long time coming, but I finally finished the family portrait! Which means it is time to celebrate, and what better way to do that, than with a giveaway! But my goodness, that was quite the journey! Back in December, I started sketching out the beginnings of…
Travel Art Part 4
Well, we are on our final leg of the journey home. We have had a really great visit through Ohio, Kentucky, Tennessee and finally in Hot Springs Arkansas, and the scenery is just beautiful, as I am sure you will agree! To recap, we left Ohio, then moved toward Kentucky.…
Travel Art Part 4
Okay, I completed this before we made it to my dad’s place in Ohio, where we have been for a few days. But, a bit of a backstory, before we left the campsite in Kentucky, my mom gave me a present. It was a box of paper. But not just any…
Travel Art Part 3
Had even more fun yesterday. Worked on my painting a smidgeon, but then went on an adventure. I’ll post more on it when there is more of an update. In the meantime, went with Grandma and Papa John and the family up to Cumberland Falls, KY. What a great place…
Travel Art Part 2
We made it to our next location, Refroe, Kentucky, with my mom and Step Dad for a few days. There is so much greenery around here, and lots of fireflies. We made the kids come home from the park at dusk so that we could go to the field and…